Anaesthetics, Critical Care and Pain Management

The Anaesthetics Department is based at Hillingdon Hospital with services at Mount Vernon Hospital.

Apart from providing anaesthesia for a variety of surgical procedures, anaesthetists are also involved in the provision of several other services across the Trust. We promote and disseminate patient leaflets on many aspects of anaesthesia and pain management.

Acute Pain Service
All patients who have undergone a major operation are given a variety of pain relief, including 'epidural', 'PCA' and 'nerve blocks' as well as tablets and intramuscular injections.

Chronic Pain Service
The chronic pain team provides therapy, relief and support for sufferers from long-standing pain.

Critical Care Services
Encompassing Intensive Care Unit and the High Dependency Unit, this team cares, treats and supports critically ill patients requiring advanced cardiovascular, respiratory and renal support. They are also involved in resuscitation and transfer of critically ill patients. The service accepts patients referred by other specialist departments who cannot be managed on ordinary wards.

Obstetric Anaesthesia Service
Provides a 24 hour epidural service to ensure that pain relief in labour is available to all women.

Pre-op Assessment Clinic
Assesses patients scheduled to have vascular and orthopedic surgery for fitness for anaesthesia.

Preoperative Fasting Guidelines

The following recommended fasting times apply to elective patients. For emergency cases, please discuss with anaesthetist involved.

Fasting guide for anaesthetics

All medication should be given at the prescribed time with just sufficient water if needed to swallow. Only general exceptions are oral hypoglycaemic agents. If in doubt, seek the advice of the anaesthetist involved. Discuss babies having two-hourly milk feed with the anaesthetist involved.