Closed wards/areas
We have confirmed norovirus outbreak in Acute Respiratory Care Unit (ARCU) and Enhanced Medical Care Unit (EMCU). They are currently closed to admissions and transfers.
Restricted visiting
If a ward area is affected by outbreaks this winter, visiting may be restricted to essential visiting only to ensure we protect both patient, staff and visitors from the spread of infection.
Essential examples:
- The patient is palliative or is at the end of life
- The patient has a mental health issue, dementia, a learning disability, or autism
- Where the attendance of a key contact will benefit a patient's clinical condition or wellbeing (ward staff will get in touch if a visit will be beneficial).
- Where permitted it should only be one person unless by exception and authorised by the Nurse in Charge
Ward staff will contact visitors if a ward area is affected.
Click the name of the ward to find out location, meal times, restrictions and guidance for visitors and contact details.
Name |
VIsiting hours |
Telephone |
Acute Medical Unit | 10am-8pm | 01895 279940 |
Alderbourne Ward | 10am-8pm | 01895 279661 or 279087 |
Alexandra Ward | See web page | 01895 279459 or 279934 |
ARCU/EMCU | 10am-8pm | 01895 279284 or 279695 |
Beaconsfield East Ward | 11.30am-8pm | 01895 279740 or 279619 |
Beaconsfield West Ward (Daniels Ward) | 10am-8pm | 01923 844285 |
Bevan Ward | 3-5pm and 6-8pm | 01895 279026 or 279636 |
Bumblebee Ward (Children's) | See web page | 01895 279529 |
Dorica Ward | 10am-8pm | 01895 279505 |
Drayton Ward (Rockwood Unit) | 10am-8pm | 01895 279480 |
Fleming Ward | 10am-8pm | 01895 279550 |
Franklin Ward | 10am-8pm | 01895 279112 or 279508 |
Grange Ward | 10am-8pm | 01895 279503 or 279173 |
Hayes Ward | 12 noon-8pm | 01895 279511 |
ICU/HDU | 2-8pm | 01895 279117 or 279981 |
Jersey Ward | 3-5pm and 6-8pm | 01895 279173 |
Katherine Ward | See web page | 01895 279462 or 279935 |
Kennedy Ward | 10am-8pm | 01895 279502 or 279066 |
Labour Ward | See web page | 01895 279463 |
Marina Ward | See web page | 01895 279463 |
Midwife-Led Unit | See web page | 01895 279880 |
Stroke Unit | 12.30-8pm | 01895 279660 |
Name |
Visiting hours |
Telephone |
Trinity Ward | 2-5pm and 6-7.30pm | 01923 844355 or 844345 |