
The Fertility Service provides comprehensive medical and surgical investigation. We see couples experiencing infertility or problems getting pregnant. The desire to have a child is natural and conceiving a child may seem like the easiest thing in the world to some couples. For other couples, infertility can affect your work, sexuality, relationship and even your lifestyle.


Meet the team

Our service is managed by a team of consultants and clinical nurse specialists.


  • Miss Shruti Mohan Lead Fertility Consultant 
  • Mr Neale Watson Obstetric and Gynaecologist
  • Miss Shabana Syed Obstetric and Gynaecologist

Clinical nurse specialists

  • Kay Chambara Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Lily May Gaban Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Chandanee Domah Clinical Nurse Specialist


  • Emma Reed


Hillingdon Hospital
Telephone: 01895 238282

Mon-Thur 8am-5pm
Friday 8am-1pm

Conditions and treatments

Female factor

Including fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, Chlamydia, ovulatory problems, , age, tubal disease, high/very low BMI, Asherman’s Syndrome

Male factor

Including Low sperm count, no sperm at all, poor sperm quality, blockage in testicles

Unexplained infertility

Where all tests are normal, but there is a delay in pregnancy

Which treatments are offered at Hillingdon Hospital?

Ovulation stimulation with tablets (clomiphene, metformin, tamoxifen)
Controlled stimulation with gonadotrophins (injections) + follicular tracking
Surgery, in some cases

We do not offer IUI, ICSI or IVF treatments at Hillingdon Hospital. We can refer eligible NHS patients to specialist units  for these treatments, or patients can chose their own clinics privately.

How do I/we get referred?

All referrals for fertility are done by seeing your GP. They can refer you via REGO or ERS.

Eligibility criteria for IVF/ICSI treatment on the NHS

All criteria is subject to change every financial year, therefore it is important to check with each CCG first. If you need to know the eligibility criteria for the surrounding CCGs you can ring the fertility nurses, check online or check with your GP.

Useful links

We also have leaflets in other different languages and an interpreter can be organised if you let us know in advance or alternatively bring a friend or relative who can interpret for you.