Staff networks

Staff networks Networks are all about people; they are about progressive change; they are all about supporting the employee journey and inspiring a feeling of belonging. There is a feeling of inclusion with a network, and making employees feel included at work can directly enhance performance and happiness in the workplace. 

The network's ultimate purpose is not only to support our colleagues who share similar background, goals and challenges but also to act as advisory groups for any future plans/projects. Networks have a very powerful meaning for any organisation which is focused on Equality Diversity and Inclusion and culture change. Read more to find out about our staff networks.

Which staff networks are available for staff to join?

LGBTQ+ and Allies Network

We are very proud that we have successfully signed up to the Rainbow badges scheme. We also participate in the Pride parade, alongside other Trusts, such as West London and Chelwest. The network is open to anyone, no matter of their sexuality.

Multicultural Network

We also have our network for our black, Asian, minority, ethnic colleagues. Our Trust has a very diverse nationality of staff and this employee network group is vital in helping employers act on equality issues in the workplace – especially those around recruitment and progression.

The network welcomes colleagues from a wider diverse background. Listen out for future updates.

Able 4 All Network

This network provides a safe environment for colleagues to identify challenges and offer suggestions. We look into different elements of the organisation to ensure our hospital is accessible not only for service users and visitors but also for our workforce.

Disability doesn’t come in a physical form only, so we are discussing ways to improve our services and ways of working for neurodiverse people. Consequently, the network acts as an advisory group for the hospital’s redevelopment as colleagues from the redevelopment team attend. A very important thing to mention is that the network is open to everyone who is interested in holistic wellbeing. 

International Nurses Network (INN)

This network provides a safe space for refelction and discussion for newly recruited overseas nurses, who will be able to find support and guidance from senior nurses, working in the Trust.

Women’s Empowerment Network

We are now setting up a new Women’s Empowerment Network as part of the commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. The Network is being set up as a reminder that whilst substantial progress has been made to reduce the divide between genders, progress must still be made to ensure wider inclusion and equality between all types of people and gender, across the workplace.

The Women’s Empowerment Network is looking for it’s first members, so if any staff think they might be interested, please get in touch with Danny.

Menopause support group

Our Menopause Support Group has been set up to support women in our workforce who are going through the menopause or perimenopause. It has been set up as part of the Women's Empowerment Network.

With over 70% of the NHS workforce being women, you are not alone if you are experiencing symptoms of menopause. To find out more about changes to the body at this time of life and how we can support women in the workplace, listen to Neale Watson, a consultant gynecologist in the Trust, discussing the topic in these podcasts.

How can staff become involved in a staff network?

If you d like to get involved, please email Cynthia Oji for an informal chat and he can direct you to the chair of the network you'd like to join. Being a member of a network has a great impact not only on our wellbeing and motivation but also on the organisation’s culture. 

Health & Wellbeing newsletter - May 2024.pdf [pdf] 6MB

HWB Newsletter June 2024.pdf [pdf] 22MB

HWB Newsletter July 2024.pdf [pdf] 11MB