Call 4 Concern - Martha's Rule

Call 4 Concern is a new phoneline that was launched in October 2024 as part of theTrust’sresponsetoMartha’sRuleandisbeingrolledoutto pilotsitesnationwide by NHS England to give patients and families accesstoan urgent review, if they are worried about an inpatient’s condition getting worse.
Call4Concernisopentopatients,relatives,andcarerswhohaveraisedconcernsto the nurse or doctor on the ward yet are still worried about theirown condition, or that of their loved one who is an inpatient at Hillingdon hospital.
The service is available for adults, children and newborns and is amongstasuiteofmeasuresinplaceforpatients who have been admitted and are receivingcareinour facilities.
Itisparticularlyusefulforthosepatients(andtheirrelatives)whoseconditionmaybe getting worse but feel their concerns are not being heard or acted upon by clinical staff.
WhatpatientscanexpectfromtheCall4ConcernClinical Team
- 24-hour access to a highly trained clinician who can prioritise a patient's call and act upon concerns in a timely manner
- A senior clinician who will work with the patient and their family to ensure the best health outcomes for specific health concerns
- A clinician who will visit the patient on the ward as soon as practical, complete a physical assessment, review the clinical documentation and then act on their findings to get the best outcome for the patient.
Actionsmay include:
- Referring the patient to higher levels of care such as a high dependency or intensive care ward for further specialist opinions and support
- Having further discussions with the ward team and initiating treatment changes and investigations to try to improve the patient's condition.
ReadmoreaboutMartha’sRuleonthe NHSEngland website .