How we are structured?

We have formalised a partnership with the three other acute NHS trusts in north west London as a provider collaborative

North West London Acute Provider Collaborative

The four acute hospital trusts in north west London are:

  • Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, West Middlesex Hospital
  • The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Hillingdon Hospital, Mount Vernon Hospital.
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust: Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital, Western Eye Hospital
  • London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust: Central Middlesex Hospital, Ealing Hospital, Northwick Park Hospital

The four trusts remain independent organisations, working closely with their local authorities, patient groups and other partners. 

Our board and the board in common

Our board has overall responsibility for leadership, direction, control and risk management. It is accountable, through our chair, to the NHS England/NHS Improvement and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. The board is made up of executive and non-executive directors. 

Who's on our Trust board?

The board in common brings together the boards of the four acute NHS trusts and so is made up of all of the full board members (executive and non-executive) of the four trusts.

Who's on the board in common?

When are the board in common meetings?

Divisional structure

Divisional structure

Trust constitution

Trust Constitution issue 7 [PDF] 1MB