Fertility tests and treatments

Diagnostic tests and investigations we offer

  • Bloods (FSH, LH, oestradiol, prolactin, testosterone, rubella screen, progesterone, HIV, hepatitis,    thrombophylia screen, TFTs, karyotype/chromosome analysis)   
  • HSG/dye test (hysterosalpingogram)
  • Laparoscopy or hysteroscopy if needed
  • Physical examination, sometimes
  • Chlamydia screen to be done at your GP surgery by the practice nurse

We perform the above tests but your GP can initiate them before you get referred. This reduces delay before any treatment. If you have had all tests from another country recently, please bring to your appointment all copies of the results.

Conditions and treatments

Female factor
Fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, Chlamydia, ovulatory problems, problems with cervical mucus, age, tubal disease, high/very low BMI, Asherman’s Syndrome etc.
Male factor
Low sperm count, no sperm at all, poor sperm quality, blockage in testicles etc
Unexplained infertility
Where all tests are normal, but cannot get pregnant

Which treatments are offered at Hillingdon Hospital?

  • Ovulation stimulation with tablets (clomiphene, metformin, tamoxifen)
  • Controlled stimulation with gonadotrophins (injections) + follicular tracking
  • Surgery, in some cases

We do not offer IUI, ICSI or IVF treatments at Hillingdon Hospital. There are specialist units where we can refer patients to have these treatments or patients can chose their own clinics privately