The colorectal department at Hillingdon Hospital provides high levels of effective care, with cutting edge technology.
Our service has an established straight-to-test team (STT) which fast tracks investigations for the management of all suspected colorectal cancer. This allows us to screen, diagnose and treat patients with cancers of the colon, rectum and anus using the latest high-resolution imaging techniques, including CT, MRI and PET-CT, where applicable.
We provide all patients with a key worker early in the management pathway so there is always a point of contact. Furthermore, each case is discussed in our multidisciplinary team meeting to ensure optimal decision making.
In addition, we provide expertise in robotic surgery which is a new type of minimally invasive surgery along with keyhole surgery for many patients requiring an operation.
Our consultants also specialise in benign cases of the bowel such as, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis and Diverticular disease.
We work closely with our colleagues in radiology, oncology, pathology, gastroenterology and endoscopy - where you might undergo a colonoscopy - to provide patient-centred diagnostic pathways and tailored care.
Our service provides a well-established enhanced recovery service. Enhanced recovery is sometimes referred to as rapid or accelerated recovery. It aims to ensure that patients are as healthy as possible before embarking on surgery, receiving the best possible care during their operation and receive the best possible care whilst recovering.
Our specialist nurses provide a nurse-led, stratified follow up clinic.
The nurse-led clinic enables patients to be followed up by a registered colorectal clinical nurse specialist. There are many benefits to the service, one being that the patient is seen by their keyworker who provides a comprehensive holistic assessment whilst maintaining continuity of care. Furthermore, your surveillance tests are requested at the correct times and results are discussed with you once reported.
Contact us
You can call the service directly on 01895 279391.
Conditions treated
- colorectal cancer
- colorectal polyps
- inflammatory bowel disease
- functional bowel disorders (constipation, incontinence and obstructed defecation)
- anorectal conditions including haemorrhoids (piles)
- anal fissures, anal fistulas, rectal prolapses and pelvic floor assessment and treatments.
Please go to here, and search using the A-Z to learn more about these conditions.
Colorectal specialist nurses
Upon diagnosis and throughout your colorectal cancer pathway, you and your family will have a single point of access to one of our colorectal nurse specialists (CNS) to answer any queries you may have regarding your diagnosis. Your CNS works closely with your team and can be contacted Monday-Friday. Additionally, your CNS can provide support/information with many aspects of living with colorectal cancer such as emotional, physical, social, and financial needs.
Your CNS will offer you a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA). This is an assessment designed to enable you to share information with your team which is important to the treatment and care you receive. Many people find the assessment helpful as it allows you to raise and discuss any concerns which you may have. If you feel a HNA would be helpful, please contact your CNS.
Stoma nurse specialist
Our stoma nurse specialists provide, stoma training, advice and educational support to those undergoing stoma surgery and new established ostomists, this also extends to patients that have been established for some time. We supply up-to-date information and promote optimum rehabilitation to our patients.
Stoma and your surgery
Before surgery you will have the opportunity to discuss some of the following.
- lifestyles
- sexual matters
- diet
- holiday and travel
- body image
- exercise
- prevention of parastomal hernias
- stoma function
Following surgery, you will have frequent visits on the ward. Once you are able, we will begin to teach you how to care for your stoma and provide you with all the up-to-date information you require to manage your stoma with confidence.