Breast Unit
Our Breast Care Unit brings together the specialist staff needed to provide breast care services for the local Hillingdon Community. The majority of patients attending our clinics are assessed and investigated on the same day at ‘one-stop’ clinics. In the last year 2700 women were assessed and were evaluated at our unit, and around 200 women were diagnosed and treated by our dedicated multidisciplinary team of staff that specialise in breast disease and breast cancer management.
We provide a comprehensive service with assessment in breast clinics and same day imaging (if necessary). Patients who require operative management of breast disease can be discharged on the day of surgery from our specialist Day Care Unit. We also provide an Oncology Service (if required) and a full breast reconstruction service.
Referral to our service
Most of our patients are referred for assessment by their GP or less frequently after their screening mammogram recall.
If you are concerned about a breast lump or another breast symptom such as pain or nipple discharge, contact your GP and arrange an appointment with them. Once your GP has assessed you, they may feel it is appropriate to refer you for further assessment by our team. If they tell us there is any concerning features on initial assessment we aim to see you within two weeks. We will contact you with an appointment date to be seen on a weekday morning or afternoon.
At that appointment, you will be further reviewed by a doctor. Please bring details of any medication you take, information about previous medical or surgical problems and knowledge of any cancer in family members. If you have ever had breast implant surgery please bring as much information regarding the implants as is possible. From the doctor’s assessment they will make a decision as to whether you need further tests which might include mammograms, ultrasound scan and/or biopsies. We can usually do these tests on the same session as your appointment. Please allow for three to four hours for your appointment to allow for these additional tests.
If you have a mammogram or an ultrasound scan, you will most likely be told what this shows by the end of the assessment. If biopsies are taken, the results take longer as these have to be examined under the microscope in the pathology laboratory and so we will make an arrangement to tell you the results usually within two to three weeks either by a second appointment or a telephone conversation.
Call back following your routine screening mammograms
If your screening mammogram has shown something that requires further assessment you may have been recalled to the screening centre (i.e. Charing Cross Hospital). The screening centre will have reviewed your results and decided that you would benefit from attending the Breast Unit at Hillingdon Hospital. At this appointment, the surgeon will explain what the concern is and suggest further management based on the previous results and recommendations from the Screening Unit and Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting.
Getting around
Use the AccessAble access guides to help plan your journey and easily find you way around the hospital.