Grange Ward
Type of ward: Gastroenterology
Normal visiting hours: 10am-8pm
Visitor guidance: Unrestricted visiting for end-of-life and dementia patients, and for carers. Protected mealtimes: 12.10-1pm and 5.10-6pm
Ward manager: Joyce Gogwe, ward manager
Ward telephone number: 01895 279520
Other ways to contact the ward: 01895 238282
Patient Pledge
Please let a staff member know:
- If there is a time when you would not like visitors to be present
- If any visitors within the ward are making you feel uncomfortable
- If there is any aspect of your care with which visitors can help you
- Who your next of kin is and what information can be discussed with them, and if you want to be present during all/any discussions
- If you have any questions for the medical team, please ask for a paper and pen to write them down, for when the doctor is reviewing you.
Visitor Pledge
To assist the Trust in prevention of spread of infection and for your own protection:
- Please wash your hands or use alcohol gel on arrival and on leaving the ward area
- Please ask staff for a chair; please do not sit on the bed
- Talk to a member of staff if you have any concerns and we will work with you to resolve them. We welcome both positive and negative feedback, so we can continue to improve the care we provide
- To ensure a peaceful and calm environment for all patients, please keep noise levels to a minimum
- Please provide us with one main point of contact for staff to pass information (with the patient’s permission if they are able to give it)
- Our space is limited: please restrict the number of visitors to two at the bed space at any time. Special circumstances will be considered on discussion with the staff member in charge of the ward
- Please do not disturb nursing staff when they are administering medications (they will be wearing a red tabard); other staff will be available if you need anything
- Please help us if you are asked to leave: it is because patients require privacy or there is a medical emergency
- Please respect the confidentiality and privacy of others by not filming or photographing patients, visitors or staff without consent.
Staff Pledge
We promise to:
- Listen to you if there is anything you would like to discuss
- Aim to provide a restful environment for all our patients
- Identify people with whom the patient has a significant or long-standing relationship - this may or may not be the next of kin - and keep them well informed (with the patient’s permission if they are able to give it)
- Support you if you wish to help with your friend or relative's care or at meal times
- Ensure patient care comes first. This may require agreement on the best time to visit
- Do all we can to protect patients from infection
- Arrange for you to speak to a member of the medical team or other healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s care, at a time that it suitable to all involved.