Medical Haematology
What we do
Welcome to haematology, where we manage a range of blood conditions including blood cancers, red cell and iron disorders, bleeding and clotting conditions and other non-malignant diseases.
Our team
Richard Kaczmarski, Taku Sugai, Akila Danga, Ruby Haji, Fiona Fernando
Lead nurse
Gemma Taylor
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Abbie Sellars, Aoife O’Grady
01895 279389
Blood transfusion practitioner
Zsofia Takats
01895 279747
Day Unit Team
Kate, Helen, Siobhan, Chinchima, Sumina, Maria, Maryla, Helene
01895 279622
Macmillan support worker
Emmily Ochieng
01895 279 747
Carly, Debbie, Evelyn
01895 279087, 01895 279231
Anticoagulation Team
Irma, Thandi, Gail
01895 279854
Your appointments and treatment will be at Hillingdon Hospital, either in our outpatient department, Medical Haematology Day Unit, or on Bevan Ward as an inpatient.
Clinical trials
We have an active research programme in haematology, managing a diverse range of studies, both academic and commercial.
We invite all our patients who are eligible to take part, but participation is completely voluntary.
We also have good relationships with other trusts that may also offer a clinical trial, opening up treatment options for many patients.
If you would like more information about our clinical trials, please ask your doctor in clinic or contact Aoife O’Grady, Clinical Nurse Specialist, on 01895 279389.
Useful links