1. Home

  2. Our services

    1. Acute Oncology Service
    2. Alderbourne and Daniel's Rehabilitation Unit
      1. Contacts and team
      2. Clinics and referrals
    3. Anaesthetics Department
      1. Peripheral nerve blocks
    4. Audiology - Paediatric (children's hearing)
      1. Audiology - Paediatric (children's hearing): Rehabilitation
    5. Bereavement Office
    6. Breast Unit
      1. Understanding breast cancer management
      2. Understanding my biopsy
      3. Understanding my scans
    7. Cancer Services (Oncology)
      1. Macmillan Support and Information Centre
      2. Understanding lung nodules
      3. Children's Oncology (Cancer) Service
      4. Upper Gastrointestinal Nursing Service
      5. Medical Haematology
        1. Medical Haematology Day Unit
        2. Booking a blood test - medical haematology
        3. Macmillan - support for haematology patients
    8. Cardiac Rehabilitation
    9. Cardiology
    10. Chaplaincy: Centre for Spiritual and Pastoral Care
    11. Children & Young People with Diabetes (CYPD)
      1. Children & Young People with Diabetes (CYPD) videos
    12. Colorectal
      1. Meet the Team
    13. Colposcopy
    14. Diabetes and Endocrine Unit
      1. Support and more information
    15. Emergency Department (A&E)
      1. Choose well
    16. Endoscopy
      1. Procedures
    17. Environmental Control Service for North Thames (RECES)
      1. RECES: Contacts and more information
      2. Frequently asked questions
    18. Fertility Department
      1. Fertility tests and treatments
      2. Referrals and appointments
    19. Frailty
      1. The Frailty Team
      2. End PJ Paralysis
    20. Hearing Aid & Audiology Service (Adults)
      1. DIY repair tips & guides
    21. Hearing Therapy
    22. Maternity
      1. Self-refer to Maternity
      2. Wards, clinics, visiting and contacts
        1. Specialist midwifery teams
        2. Senior management team
      3. Your pregnancy (antenatal)
        1. Accessing your maternity records
        2. Antenatal care and appointments
        3. Screening and scans
        4. Vaccinations in pregnancy
        5. Bonding with your baby
        6. 'Welcoming our baby' antenatal classes
        7. Common pregnancy problems and advice
        8. Pelvic health
          1. Perinatal Pelvic Health Service
            1. Reducing perineal tears
          2. Anorectal Physiology Clinic
        9. Mental health
      4. Planning for birth (labour)
        1. Birth place options
          1. Delivery Suite/Labour Ward
        2. Pain relief options
        3. Birth plan
        4. Packing your hospital bag
      5. Caring for yourself and your baby (postnatal)
        1. Breastfeeding support groups
        2. Feeding your baby
        3. Postnatal - after the birth
      6. Antenatal podcasts
      7. Maternity leaflets
      8. Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)
      9. Maternity CQC Report – Frequently Asked Questions
    23. Neonatal
      1. Meet the Team
      2. Neonatal Department facilities
      3. Information for families
      4. Resources for parents
      5. Vitamin K for your new-born baby
      6. Protecting your baby from low blood glucose
      7. Newborn PulseOx Test
      8. Signs of infection in your baby
      9. Blood transfusion in babies
      10. Information for bereaved parents
    24. Nutrition and Dietetics
      1. Adult dietetic outpatient service
      2. Low-residue diet
      3. Eating Well with a Small Appetite
      4. A diet high in iron for children
      5. Eating well with gestational diabetes
      6. Pre-operative liver shrinkage diet
    25. Paediatric Respiratory and Allergy Service (children)
      1. Asthma - Paediatric (children)
      2. Allergy - Paediatric (children)
      3. All about challenges
    26. Pain Management Programme
    27. Palliative Care
    28. Pharmacy
    29. Phlebotomy & blood tests
    30. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
      1. Therapies at Hillingdon Hospital
        1. Outpatient therapies at Hillingdon Hospital
        2. Inpatient therapies at Hillingdon Hospital
        3. Respiratory Outpatient Physiotherapy
      2. Therapies at Mount Vernon Hospital
        1. Outpatient therapy at Mount Vernon Hospital
        2. Inpatient therapy at Mount Vernon Hospital
      3. Working with us, advice for students and observational days
      4. Therapies contacts
    31. Radiology (Imaging/X-Ray)
    32. Rheumatology
    33. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
    34. Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery Unit
    35. Urgent Care Nurse Practitioner Service
    36. Urgent Treatment Centre
    37. Urology
  3. Patients & visitors

    1. Outpatients and day patients
    2. Staying in hospital (inpatient)
      1. What to bring
      2. Patient Line
      3. Leaving hospital
      4. Same-sex accommodation
    3. Advice and support
      1. Help getting around the hospitals
      2. Responding to the needs of people with learning disabilities
      3. PALS: Patient Advice and Liaison Service
      4. Your rights/responsibilities
      5. Making a formal complaint
      6. Call 4 Concern
    4. Visiting someone in hospital
    5. View your health record
      1. Care Information Exchange for children and young people
    6. Appreciation and praise
    7. Wards (inpatient)
      1. Acute Medical Unit
      2. Alderbourne Ward and Daniels Rehabilitation Unit
      3. Alexandra Ward
      4. ARCU/EMCU
      5. Beaconsfield East
      6. Beaconsfield West (Daniels Ward)
      7. Bevan Ward
      8. Bumblebee Ward
      9. Drayton Ward (Rockwood Unit)
      10. Dorica Ward
      11. Fleming Ward
      12. Franklin Ward
      13. Grange Ward
      14. Hayes Ward
      15. ICU/HDU
      16. Jersey Ward
      17. Katherine Ward
      18. Kennedy Ward
      19. Labour Ward
      20. Marina Ward
      21. Midwife-Led Unit
      22. Stroke Unit
      23. Trinity Ward
    8. Stop the spread of norovirus infection
    9. Friends and Family Tests
    10. Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
    11. Guidance for overseas visitors to the UK
    12. Privacy notice
  4. Access your care

    1. Manage your appointment
    2. Attending your appointment
    3. View your personal health record online
    4. Contact us
    5. Referrers
  5. About us

    1. Our vision
    2. Our hospitals
      1. Hillingdon Hospital
        1. Catering at Hillingdon Hospital
      2. Mount Vernon Hospital
        1. Catering at Mount Vernon Hospital
      3. Travel to hospital
      4. Help with travel costs
    3. How are we structured?
      1. Our Trust board
        1. Trust documents
      2. We are a Foundation Trust
      3. Council of Governors
    4. How are we performing?
      1. Annual reports
      2. Sustainability at the Trust
    5. Patient safety and quality
      1. Safeguarding
      2. Nursing and midwifery staffing levels
      3. Child Protection Medical and investigations
    6. Our strategy
    7. Redevelopment of Hillingdon Hospital
      1. About the redevelopment
      2. Online exhibition
        1. Key benefits
        2. The existing hospital
        3. The new hospital
        4. Masterplan
        5. Approach to design
        6. Improved open space
        7. Transport at the new hospital
        8. Sustainability in redevelopment
        9. Managing construction
        10. A new community in Hillingdon
      3. Vision for a new hospital
      4. Why redevelop
      5. Project process
      6. FAQs
      7. Get involved and have your say
    8. Equality and diversity
      1. Anti discrimination statement
    9. CARES values
    10. Research and development
      1. Covid-19 Research Studies at Hillingdon Hospital
      2. Clinical Trial Performance (CTP)
    11. Hillingdon Hospitals Charity
    12. Freedom of Information
      1. Contracts Register and over £25,000 spend
    13. Web accessibility
      1. Mobile app privacy statement
      2. Website privacy policy
      3. Web cookies
  6. Join our team

    1. Who are our staff?
    2. Our vacancies
    3. Staff Bank
    4. Staff Library and Knowledge Services
    5. Your training
    6. Staff networks
    7. Accommodation
    8. Volunteering
      1. Volunteering FAQs
    9. Our CARES values