

The Trust pharmacy department is based at Hillingdon Hospital.

There is also a pharmacy at Mount Vernon Hospital, run by the East and North Herts NHS Trust, which provides a service to:

  • patients undergoing cancer treatment at Mount Vernon Hospital
  • patients receiving other treatment provided by our Trust on the Mount Vernon site. 

The Hillingdon pharmacy dispenses medicines to inpatients, outpatients and patients being discharged from hospital. All prescriptions are carefully checked by a pharmacist before dispensing.

Clinical pharmacists review patients' medication when they are admitted to the hospital to ensure it is safe and effective.

Which number do I call if I have a question for the Pharmacy Team?

Medicines helpline (for patients) – 01895 279652

For questions including:

  • if I suspect I am experiencing a side effect
  • if there has been an error with my medicine.

When the helpline is closed

  • contact your GP or local pharmacy
  • call 111 for urgent medical concerns at any time of the day

Before you call, please note the following

Lines open 10am-4pm Monday-Friday excluding bank holidays (please leave a voicemail if your call is not answered immediately). Before calling please read the patient information leaflet provided with each of your medicines. It is helpful to have your medicines and discharge summary/prescription to hand when you phone, and your hospital or NHS number.

If you have an outpatient prescription to collect from the pharmacy at Hillingdon

Call 01895 279424 (option 1: outpatient pharmacy).

Frequently asked questions

What are the opening times of Hillingdon Hospital pharmacy?

Outpatient dispensary - 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

Inpatient dispensary:

9am-5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
9am to 12noon Saturday (urgent hospital prescriptions only)
Sundays – closed
Bank holidays – opening times vary

The clinician I saw in my outpatient clinic said they had sent a prescription to Hillingdon Hospital pharmacy, and I should call them to check if it was ready

Prescriptions are only dispensed once the patient/clinic informs pharmacy to process the prescription.  Please call the outpatient dispensary on 01895 279424 (option 1: outpatient pharmacy) to start the process of dispensing and to arrange collection. 

I am on methotrexate tablets, is my prescription ready?
Call the outpatient dispensary 01895 279424 (option 1: outpatient pharmacy) to find out whether your prescription will be ready.

Can I send a representative to collect my prescription?
Yes, however, the representative needs to be 16 years old or over.

I have been supplied medicines by Hillingdon Hospital but the quantity is less than I expected.

If the item was dispensed by the outpatient dispensary, call them on 01895 279424 (option 1: outpatient pharmacy)

If the item was supplied from a ward at discharge or directly from A&E, then call the ward from where you were discharged or A&E. If you have not been able to resolve the issue, call the Medicines Helpline on 01895 279652.

There is an error on the label of the medicine and/or an error on the discharge summary. Who should I speak to?

Call the Medicines Helpline on 01895 279 652

My child won’t take the liquid medicine prescribed. Can you supply an alternative brand which might have a better flavour?

Please seek advice from the clinic which prescribed the item, as they may be able to offer practical advice on how to encourage your child to take the medicine. If the issue remains unresolved then contact the Medicines Helpline on 01895 279652. 

My community pharmacy is telling me that they cannot supply one of the items on the prescription issued by my GP because of a national shortage. Do you have this item in stock?

If you are having difficulty in obtaining a certain medicine from your community pharmacy:

  • contact your GP surgery in the first instance
  • if this is unsuccessful and you need to obtain the item urgently then call NHS 111

The Hillingdon Hospital pharmacy cannot dispense prescriptions issued by a GP.  We can dispense prescriptions issued at Hillingdon Hospital.

I am a pharmacist at another hospital, and I need to find out about chemotherapy a patient is receiving at Mount Vernon Hospital. Who should I speak to?

Please email

I am a pharmacist at another hospital, and I need to find out about the chemotherapy regimen a patient is receiving from the haematology department at Hillingdon Hospital.

Please email

I am a pharmacist at another hospital, and I need to check the medication a  patient was on while at Hillingdon Hospital.

Please call Medicines Information on 01895 279726.  Out of hours, please call the ward from which the patient was discharged.

NHS Minor Ailment Service - What is it?

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