'Welcoming our baby' antenatal classes

Our popular 'Welcoming our baby' antenatal classes prepare expectant parents by exploring strategies to cope with pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond. This gives you the knowledge, skills and confidence you need on your journey to parenthood.
Welcoming our baby - antenatal classes are facilitated by midwives at our Trust who share up-to-date information, from evidence based guidelines, to help you make informed decisions. This approach provides you with a positive pregnancy and birth experience, which is an important and valued element of our maternity and child health services.
The topics covered in our antenatal classes are:
- A pathway through pregnancy
- Preparing your mind and body for labour, birth and beyond
- The labour and birth process
- When labour goes off the normal course
- Welcoming your new baby
- A journey to parenthood.
Our antenatal classes are free to anyone booked to have their baby at Hillingdon Hospital and are open to expecting parents and birthing partners. We also offer these classes for a fee to women and birthing people from other hospitals who are interested in attending as we understand the value of antenatal education.
Our classes are interactive, parents are encouraged to ask questions, we share valuable resources after the classes and you will also be able to contact a midwife after the classes with any future questions you may have.
If you're booked to have your baby at Hillingdon Hospital
Our antenatal classes, which are held on either a full day Saturday from 9am – 4pm (including breaks), or six sessions on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm, are free if you are booked to have your baby at Hillingdon Hospital.
After your second scan book your antenatal classes by:
- Asking our clerical staff in the antenatal clinic
- Completing the contact form below.
If you are booked to have your baby at another hospital but interested in our paid antenatal classes
Our online antenatal classes are very popular and in high demand, however we understand the value of antenatal education, so we also offer this service to expectant parents throughout the UK. We offer six classes held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm. Cost is £140 for all 6 sessions.
For more information about the classes, payment details and to book your place please complete the form below.
If you experience any issues with the form please email thh.welcomingourbaby@nhs.net with your name and contact number and we will arrange a free call back to discuss.