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Countdown continues for new CERNER roll-out

The countdown is on as staff at The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust prepare for the go-live of the new Cerner electronic patient record (EPR) system on Friday November 3.

The system is being launched to allow hospitals across north west London to share information easily for patients who need care at more than one Trust, while also helping GPs and hospitals to share test results far more quickly than before.

Next month's roll-out comes after years of planning and aims to greatly enhance the experience for staff and patients.

This marks an exciting and important step forward

Robbie Cline, joint-CIO for The Hillingdon Hospitals and London North West University Healthcare, said: "This marks an exciting and important step forward in using technology to offer our patients the best possible care.

“We are looking forward to working closely with our clinical teams, our colleagues across northwest London, and our patients as we introduce the new CernerEPR system.”

Training continues for staff in the coming weeks ahead of the launch. It is hoped any disruption involving the roll-out will be kept to a mininum although there may be some short delays as the Trust switches to the new system.

It will replace a number of existing systems including Silverlink PAS, Hillingdon Care Record (HCR), Hospital Observations (hObs), Nerve Centre, EPRO, Euroking, ICE and Xstek.

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