Hillingdon’s joined-up approach to discharge | News & events

Hillingdon’s joined-up approach to discharge

Hillingdon has recently showcased a successful partnership approach, the Discharge Hub multi-agency staffing model and their approach to facilitating early patients discharges. Our head of discharge, Jen King, presented the discharge model at NHS England’s ‘Lunch Share and Learn’ session.

“I was really pleased to have the opportunity to showcase the strengths of Hillingdon’s partnership working and that this has been recognised across the wider system”, she said.

Hillingdon is consistent in discharging an average of 80% of the daily discharges by 5pm and 28% by 1pm, and Jen was able to highlight key factors contributing to this success, including the multi-agency staffing model, bridging care service and the Departure Lounge.   

The Discharge Team includes staff employed by our Trust, by Central and North-West London and the voluntary sector. Jen explained: “We have recently remodelled our establishment to include two senior patient flow coordinators to support the discharge process for palliative and homeless patients.

“I am excited that we will be expanding our multiagency model further, with a Hillingdon Council housing officer joining the team in the next month, and a new self-funder advocate from the voluntary sector will hopefully be with the team by April.”

NHS England praised Hillingdon's approach as a positive and effective model for patient flow and early discharge.

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