It's good to talk ... and I’m here to listen | News & events

It's good to talk ... and I’m here to listen

Chris Geake has recently returned to our Trust as part-time honorary humanist chaplain, to provide a specific focus on non-religious support.

He said: “I'm available to visit people at the bedside, to provide a listening ear when people feel they want to talk through issues or share their concerns.

“Please make your teams aware of the pastoral support which can be accessed through the chaplaincy - and to help patients and visitors understand that pastoral support is available even if they do not subscribe to a religious faith, or if they have no particular interest in religion.”

Chris continues: “We seek to care for the whole person, not just address medical, clinical and physical needs.

“Being in hospital can be a time of pain and distress, of cure and relief, a time of fear and hope, of loss or celebration. At such times, patients or their visitors may want to talk confidentially to someone who is caring and compassionate, and who has the time to listen to them.”

The Department of Spiritual and Pastoral Care, through a team of experienced chaplains and volunteers (often referred to as the Chaplaincy Team) seeks to provide support to patients, their visitors and members of staff of whatever faith or non-religious world view.

Posted in Services

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