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Chief nurse shares a golden moment with surgery team

Jane Clegg pictures with members of the SAU Team and other colleagues, plus the gold ward accreditation certificate

The team in the Surgical Assessment Unit at Hillingdon Hospital were surprised and delighted when a VIP visitor came bearing gold.

Jane Clegg, chief nurse for the London region of the NHS, presented the team with a gold ward accreditation on Friday 20 October, for their improvement efforts. This is the highest of the accreditation standards the Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust bestows on wards and clinical areas.

The citation read: ‘The Surgical Assessment Unit demonstrated excellent areas of practice around several aspects of patient safety, including infection prevention and control, medicines management, information governance, cleanliness and more.

'The unit had positive team-building culture and staff felt proud to work in the unit.

'The unit is well-led and has undertaken several quality improvement and service improvement initiatives that staff were able to explain and evidence.

'There were examples demonstrating initiatives taken to embed CARES values.’

The Trust’s CARES values – Communication, Attitude, Responsibility, Equity and Safety – form the core culture of the Trust and help guide staff in their day-to-day work.

Jane Clegg pictured with members of the SAU Team and other colleagues, and the team's gold ward accreditation certificate

Ms Clegg (pictured third right) was at Hillingdon Hospital as part of her regular visits to areas of the NHS in London to talk to staff and managers.

She also stopped off in the Medical Haematology Day Care Unit to celebrate that team’s recent success in the Trust’s Staff Awards, where they won the Chair’s ‘I am the change’ Award.

Sarah Burton, Trust chief nurse, said:

"It was a pleasure to welcome Jane to Hillingdon on Friday which provided a fantastic opportunity for her to meet the staff and showcase some of the excellent quality improvement work that our amazing teams are leading on. 

"Jane was really interested to get some insight into our achievements and the challenges we face, and enjoyed meeting the staff and celebrating their successes."

Posted in Awards

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