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Senior nurse meets King at Buckingham Palace reception

One of our senior nurses has been to Buckingham Palace for a Royal reception.

Borraiza Bermudez, a senior staff nurse in the emergency department (ED), attended the function on Tuesday 14 November, hosted by HM King Charles for internationally recruited nurses and midwives working in the NHS.

Borraiza posted on social media: “I am honoured to be one of the representatives for my fellow nurses back home” – and she added an emoji of the flag of her home country, the Philippines.

Claire Dua, interim head nurse – workforce and education, said: “Borraiza has shown such passion and enthusiasm in offering pastoral support to her fellow international arrivals, orientating them to the local areas and helping them to settle into UK life, alongside her demanding role in ED. The nursing team are very proud.”

Borraiza continued her post: “To the Hillingdon Hospitals and also to my A&E Team, who have been working extremely hard these days and supporting me throughout, you guys are amazing! We never have a dull shift with everyone (literally). Cheers!”

And then, touchingly, she added: “To my husband, who has been supportive since the day I received the invitation and patiently waited outside the palace in the cold winter breeze, thank you!"

Posted in Staff

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