The winners of our Staff Awards are announced! | News & events

The winners of our Staff Awards are announced!

The winners of our Staff Awards were announced at a wonderful evening of celebration at Brunel University London.

There were nearly 300 nominations for our awards, over eight different categories – a record number. This reflects the amazing work that each and every one of our staff is doing. Five of the categories reflect the core CARES values that our staff live by every day. Staff could also be nominated for a CEO’s Award for Dedication and Achievement, or a Board Award. This year there was also an additional ‘Public Nomination Award’ to reflect the praise and appreciation we receive from the community we serve.

From so many nominations, it was a very difficult task to pick the finalists and winners - well done everyone!

Staff Award winners

CARES Communication


Krishna Sharma - Healthcare assistant (Dermatology)

Krishna is very co-operative, friendly and knowledgable. He has good communication skills and provides good care to patients as well as to family members. Krishna is hard-working and sincere with the team, working well with others as well as helping new staff when they join.


Diane D’Souza - Theatre co-ordinator

Diane ensures that all important messages are communicated to staff, as well as messages of appreciation. Her communication skills and kindness have helped carry the department through difficult times, playing her part in making theatres an efficient, productive and friendly environment that draws people to work here.


CARES Attitude


Robotic Team - Theatre 6

The Robotic Surgery Team maintains a welcoming attitude to everyone who enters the theatre. Their teamwork in the theatre is incredible, everyone communicates effectively and remains positive, even in stressful situations. All of the team are a pleasure to work with.


Crystal Yung - Dietitian

Crystal is a fantastic dietitian and wonderful colleague. She works incredibly hard to give the best patient-centred care possible, and her positive attitude is contagious. She is always willing and ready to help out colleagues, volunteering to take on roles and learning new skills, taking difficult cases, and helping out if someone is exceptionally busy


CARES Responsibility


(General) Neurology Team

The Neurology Team have shown consistent hard work and dedication to improving patient care. They have reduced waiting times and established strong processes to ensure patient safety, despite pressures on the department. Their phenomenal amount of effort showcases the conscientious and responsible attitude of everyone in the team


Acute Medical Unit

The Acute Medical Unit is a tightly knit team of nurses, doctors, HCAs, pharmacists and therapies colleagues, alongside strong relationships with other staff. The senior nurses and doctors encourage extremely high standards and leading by example. The whole team takes personal and collective responsibility for their excellent standards in patient care.


CARES Equity


Dr Moussa Al-Rufayie - Ophthalmologist

Moussa has created an excellent video tutorials for using eye drops (including in other languages), including a follow-up patient survey. He presented the project at the Imperial College Ophthalmology Research Group, receiving excellent feedback from clinicians. Moussa has gone above and beyond in assisting patient care in the eye department.


Mark Williams - Head of estates & facilities compliance

Mark is an excellent manager, being fully supportive of the needs of his team. Staff feel they are able to talk openly about any issues they have, bringing out the best in his colleagues. This culture is emulated across the Estates and Facilities Team, and staff feel fortunate to come to work in such an inclusive environment.


CARES Safety


Radiology Protection Team

The team has promoted staff engagement and education throughout the Trust, improving service efficiency and achievement in radiation safety. Trust governance of radiation protection now stands as an exemplar to neighbouring trusts, supporting a high standard of radiation protection for our staff and patients.


Tissue Viability Nursing Team

This team puts patient safety at the centre of all that they do, offering a high standard of wound care and pressure ulcer prevention within the Trust. Their innovation and advancement has been recognised across NW London. They are experts in their field, and work hard to educate staff with the skills to carry out their roles.


CEO’S Award for Dedication and Achievement


Daniela Susanu - Audiology manager (children’s)

Daniela always prioritises her team, supporting and encouraging them professionally and personally. This enables them to work together with great results, including being awarded gold Ward Accreditation for Paediatric Audiology. Daniela goes above and beyond in her role, whilst also giving great patient care.


Chris Mann - Matron/nursing services manager

Having worked for the Trust for over 30 years, Chris’s dedication to paediatric services is exemplary. She is dedicated, hardworking and driven, whilst remaining highly approachable and treating staff with warmth and compassion. She works tirelessly, ensuring the ward runs safely and that everyone is treated according to their needs. She is a dedicated matron.


Board Award


Sheila Luk, consultant ophthalmologist 

Consultant ophthalmologist Sheila has pushed forward care for glaucoma patients, including introducing new procedures and implementing the latest microincision surgeries, as well as publishing research. She initiated the Glaucoma: Improving Patient Access project, and the Glaucoma Journal Club to integrate teaching for doctors, nursing and multidisciplinary staff.


Dr Usman Ahmed - Consultant (AMU)

Usman has shown exceptional dedication to his patients, team and the department. He is enthusiastic whilst focusing on patient safety. Usman shows a dedication to staff well-being and an all round committment to a fantastic and supportive team ethos on AMU and general medicine as a whole. He is an inspirational senior colleague.


Public Nomination Award


Doris Bilayon - Specialist nurse practitioner

Doris helped an anxious patient during procedures on her eye. A nomination from the patient’s son said: ‘You kindly looked after mum. She has a huge amount of faith and trust in you. Doris, on behalf of mum and the whole family, our sincere thanks. You are a great clinician and exemplify what great patient care looks like and feels like’.

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