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Welcome Victoria Atkins, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

We were thrilled to welcome the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Victoria Atkins, and local MP Steve Tuckwell to the hospital to talk the minister through the plans for a new Hillingdon Hospital.

As well as a presentation, our guests met with staff and patients on Kennedy Ward at the top of the main tower, getting a first hand view of why building a new Hillingdon Hospital that is fit for the future is so important.

To find out more about the plans, watch our virtual tour, which takes you inside and outside a model of the new hospital while explaining some of the benefits to expect from the new hospital such as:

  • More MRI and CT scanners meaning we can see patients faster
  • Dedicated areas for children and young people
  • A much bigger space for emergency care with specialist service and scans in one place
  • Urgent and emergency care and outpatients on the lower floors to improve access
  • A multi-storey car park linked into the hospital, with more disabled parking and new bus stops, for easier hospital access.


Visit thh.nhs.uk/redevelopment/ for more information.

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